On Air

Experience a Once in a Lifetime Day on the Bridge

Blog/NewsMay 31st 2017
Rachel Connell

A Day on the Bridge is a once in a lifetime opportunity to connect as a community in support of protecting nature here in Hamilton by raising funds to purchase and protect land that will become a part of the Cootes to Escarpment EcoPark System, one of the most biologically-rich areas in Canada.

We spoke with Project Champion Patrick Bermingham on MorningFile to get more details on the importance of supporting and investing in the nature surrounding Hamilton as well as the value underlying an event the size of this one. There are two opportunities to get involved at the McQuesten high-level bridge on June 11th which will be shut down for the day to be filled with art, music, food trucks and entertainment for a community picnic like no other. You can attend the free festival happening from noon to 5pm and enjoy the amazing view, or you can purchase tickets to an exclusive dinner on the bridge itself from 5-11pm. Tickets are available still available now through Bruha. For more details, listen to our full interview and be sure to connect with A Day on the Bridge on Facebook and Twitter.

If you're interested in volunteering, click here!

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