Catch the Quilt of Belonging Before It's Gone!
Comprissed of 263 blocks representing Canada's main Indigenous groups and every world nation, the Quilt of Belonging is an incredibly unique and intricate piece of collaborative work that will be on display in the Cotton Factory until August 16th. While the space has been home to a variety of different music, arts and community events throughout the summer, if you haven't had a chance to see it, you're not too late. Hamilton Halton Brant Regional Tourism Association has partnered with the Cotton Factory to bring even more fun to the space with Peace by Piece: Stitching Together Canadian Stories.
"The Quilt of Belonging is an invitation for all cultures to celebrate their common humanity and find their unique place in the Canadian mosaic."
The multi-talented Esther Bryan describes the quilt as "an amazing medium to work in [...] they express comfort and shelter, as well as beauty. Quilting is a wonderfully uplifting metaphor for making something whole of many pieces." With a variety of programming fit for all ages, each day at the Cotton Factory brings to life a different kind of magic and expression. Check out the listings for the rest of the exhibit:
Wednesday, August 9th
Thursday, August 10th
Friday, August 11th
Saturday, August 12th
Sunday, August 13th
Traditional Arts and Crafts: create your own art based on traditional Ohnkwehonweh/Haudensaunee methods and designs (Registration and Payment Required)
Social Song and Dance: listen and learn as traditional knowledge keepers drum, sing and dance Ohnkwehonweh/Haudensaunee social songs and share the significance of each song/dance (Registration and Payment Required)
Monday, August 14th