On Air

HIVEX Conference 2017: Impact

Blog/NewsOctober 18th 2017
Rachel Connell

We were so excited to have the crew over at Hamilton HIVE back in our booth to chat about their upcoming annual conference, HIVEX! Hive hosts the largest young professional conference in the Golden Horseshoe area, gathering over 300 YPs, community members, and city leaders to engage in topics on city development, personal branding, career development, personal growth, urban issues, politics, and more.

This year's conference theme is Impact, with a collective focus on encouraging and supporting YPs and emerging leaders as they impact their careers, their communities, and their personal growth.

Dress code: Business casual

Cost: $40 single ticket / $300 for a table *EARLY BIRD ON SALE NOW*.

Your ticket includes the full-day conference, breakfast, lunch, coffee, tea and access to the HIVEX after-party and community trade show.

We had conference planners Sarah and Victoria joined by HIVE chair, Michael on MorningFile to chat about opportunities here in Hamilton and the potential that the city has to provide meaningful connections and networking. Young people comprise the fastest growing population, but of course… HIVE never checks IDs. HIVE is comprised of about 22 member groups with formal membership, but they also involve many young volunteers in the community in sub-teams to spread the word about what’s going on and connecting people. Listen to our full interview below!

Tickets to HIVEX: https://www.bruha.com/event/1781

October 26th pre-networking: https://www.facebook.com/events/141773316556597

To get involved or learn more about HamiltonHIVE: https://www.hamiltonhive.ca/

Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/144813106122773/

Featured photo via HamiltonHIVE