On Air

On the Path to Meaningful Employment

Blog/NewsApril 27th 2017
Rachel Connell

On MorningFile this week Rachel, our incoming Community Outreach Coordinator, met with the ever-passionate Ryan Barath from PATH Employment Services! Ryan is their Community Outreach Coordinator and eagerly jumping into his new role with a positive energy as he helps community members find meaningful employment regardless of the challenges they may face.

Ryan discusses how everyone has their own unique path to find employment and that the services at PATH aim to reach every walk of life here in Hamilton. It’s incredible hearing about how they focus closely on helping those facing accessibility barriers or disabilities and the resources available to assist community members. They also talked about the available tools and opportunities for recent graduates or truly anyone struggling to find a job. Employment can be incredibly empowering for any individual and we’re lucky to have Ryan and his team help foster a community where every walk of life can feel valued.

Celebrating their 45th anniversary, they see the rapid growth happening here in Hamilton and can’t wait to help provide resources to more people as they join a variety of industries in the community. Check out Rachel’s Interview with Ryan below to learn more.

To keep updated on everything at PATH, be sure to check out their Facebook and Twitter