- TimeTitleArtistAlbum
- 2:21tony watsonnapassages
- 2:31Dom DollaN/Agirl$
- 2:34Andruss, FatboiN/Apega
- 2:38biscitsN/Aselecta
- 2:39ayyboN/Arizz
- 2:43fisher, flowdanN/Aboost up
- 2:46audio bullys, michael bibiN/Adifferent side
- 2:49beltranN/Asmack yo
- 2:52bruno furlanN/ALa Fiesta
- 2:55hotswingN/Afeel it
- 2:58loofyN/Alast night
- 3:01martin ikin, noizuN/Aburnin
- 3:04mau pN/Adress code
- 3:07NoizuN/Avogue
- 3:11chris lake, aatigN/Ain the yuma
- 3:14flashmobN/Amy body
- 3:18housegoboomN/Aback once again
- 3:21el chuape, hugel, gsprN/Apompi
- 3:25iglesiasN/Abig booty
- 3:28mark knight, james hurrN/Alady hear me tonight
- 3:32tobehonestN/Aperfect
- 3:35westend, noizu, nomen/apush to start
- 3:38vnssaN/Aone pill
- 3:43meduzaN/Amusica
- 3:46CIDN/Aget hype
- 3:51manuel de la mare, luigi roccaN/Afirestarter
- 3:54Max StylerN/Ahypnotic
- 3:58Odd MobN/Alosing control